I won't cry cry baby
I won't worry anymore
You and I we are ideal
I'm the sad sad one
You can have my sixth grade pictures
Can I have the one of us mooning
This work it won’t kill me
But I’m not stronger for it
I've just learned to wait it out
You are my only true love
But I know I can't change
You are my only true love
But I won't change
I won't cry cry baby
I won't worry anymore
You and I we are ideal
Sit there and count your fingers
What can you do
Old girl you're through
Sit there, count your little fingers
Unhappy little girl blue.
Sit there and count the raindrops
Falling on you
It's time you knew
All you can ever count on
Are the raindrops
That fall on little girl blue
Won't you just sit there
Count the little raindrops
Falling on you
'Cause it's time you knew
All you can ever count on
Are the raindrops
That fall on little girl blue
No use old girl
You might as well surrender
'Cause your hopes are getting slender and slender
Why won't somebody send a tender blue boy
To cheer up little girl blue
and another version by chet baker, with no available embed